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Sales: 111-44-55-56

Support: 111-56-56-56

For us, your growth and
prosperity matters.

Multi-Hypervisor Range

Rapid is the only cloud service provider in Pakistan providing multi-hypervisor support.

Cobolt (Powered by OpenStack)

Cobolt enables the management to drive transformations required for the business to innovate faster and build a sustainable competitive advantage. In the age of customer, it is not just the enterprise sector that can benefit from OpenStack but also startups that are working on bringing new and innovative products to the market.


VMware Cloud on RapidCompute is an on-demand service that lets you run your VMware based applications on our next generation infrastructure by seamlessly integrating VMware defined data center technologies with the scalability, security, and cost effectiveness of RapidCompute.


Optimized for application and server virtualization infrastructures, Citrix Hypervisor is one of the leading virtualization management platforms in the world. Leverage consolidation and containment of workloads on Citrix Hypervisor to allow your IT infrastructures to transform your business.