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Beyond Broadband For Business

A Total Quality Network For Your Organization.

Cookie Policy

Last updated: February 9th, 2022

Cybernet uses cookies on By using this website, the user consents to the use of cookies.

What are cookies?
Cookies are bits and pieces of messages sent to the users’ web browser upon visiting a website. A cookie file is stored on the web browser and allows the service or third-party to identify the user and make the subsequent visits faster and convenient. Cookies can exist temporarily for the duration of each session, also known as ‘Session Cookies’ whereas ‘Persistent Cookies’ are permanently stored on a user’s device (until their expiration) and preserve information regarding each user preferences.  

What types of cookies does Cybernet use?
Cybernet use three (03) types of cookies as described below:

  • Essential – Such cookies include Cybernet’s website’s basic form of memory used to store preference selected by users on the site. These cookies cannot be disabled by the users as they are ‘Essential’ to function the website(s). For example, these include the cookies that make it possible for the user to stay logged into his/her account(s) on the website. If a user sets the browser to block such cookies, these functions and services will stop working.
  • Performance – Such cookies enhance performance and functionality of a website. However, they are not essential to ensure a website’s operability. These cookies measure how often a user visits and uses Cybernet’s website. Cybernet uses this information to get a better know-how as to how users engage with its Cloud services to improve its sites and product offerings. For example, Cybernet collects pertaining to its most frequently visited pages and the types of users visiting such pages. Cybernet uses third party cookies to aid with enhanced performance. For instance, Google Analytics cookie(s) give us information pertaining to a user’s journey in between pages and whether or not a user has downloaded any material (details of how to opt out of it are mentioned below).
  • Advertising – Such cookies are used to collect information about users on Cybernet’s website. The information collected is used to customize a user’s experience on our website according to the content viewed, links followed and any information pertaining to the browser, device and IP address of the user.

 How does Cybernet use cookies?
Cookies are used for the following purposes:

  • To enable functions of Cybernet’s website
  • In order to analyze and store user’s preferences for an improved customer service including behavioral analytics

Cybernet may use essential cookies to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts. In addition to Cybernet’s own cookies, it may also use third-party cookies to report usage statistics of the website, including google analytics.

How could you manage cookies?
If you wish to delete cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser. Please note that if any cookies are deleted or rejected from the user’s end, the website may not function or display properly. This would result in disabling some of the websites significant features as it would fail to save user preferences.

For the Chrome web browser, please visit this page from Google:

For the Internet Explorer web browser, please visit this page from Microsoft:

For the Firefox web browser, please visit this page from Mozilla:

For the Safari web browser, please visit this page from Apple:

For any other web browser, please visit your web browser’s official web pages.

Contact Us
Should you require any further assistance, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Officer at:

Email: [email protected]
UAN: 111-44-55-66