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Technology Surpassing The Test Of Time

Round The Clock Uninterrupted Connectivity


Service Providers around the world agree that the Carrier Ethernet and IP / Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology will pave the way for next-generation networks. However, there are multiple approaches to offer Ethernet services.

An important, yet frequently overlooked consideration, when choosing a Service Provider is the quality, coverage and resiliency of its network infrastructure. Cybernet has invested in the most state of the art, fiber-based fixed line infrastructure across Pakistani cities.

Designed and implemented for maximum resiliency, our newly developed buried fiber optic network has been planned and deployed to serve key corporate business areas nationwide backed up on a Disaster Recovery site. The combination of redundancy, efficient on-ground operations and round the clock monitoring, ensures that our customers’ networks remain online when they need to be, at any time of the day, throughout the year.