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Empowering Pakistan Through Muscle

We’re Ambassadors Of Innovation


An idea, if incubated properly, can lead to an opportunity and if given the right tools, results in creation of an innovative product, adding value to our lives. Cybernet believes in giving talent the platform to convert idea into reality.

We have a firm commitment to embrace innovation and creativity. Alongside adoption of new and innovative products and practices to maintain our superiority in the market, we stretch our thinking and expand our knowledge to explore new horizons and innovations that can add value in areas of information technology beyond our conventional domain.

For this purpose, Cybernet has set up an incubation center called ‘Cybernet Labs’ where talented entrepreneurs from within and outside the company who lack the muscle to pursue their ideas are welcome. If you think you have an innovative idea supported by project feasibility and an execution plan that you can pitch to our ‘Entrepreneurial Scouts’, you can very well be a part of this program.

You can contact us at [email protected] to share a brief of your idea and reserve time for an in-person meeting.