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The World Is Getting Smaller

We Will Help Your Business Grow.


Cybernet is proud to supply a variety of Wholesale Internet Backbone solutions that offer service providers, irrespective of volume and value, the ability to offer social and economic benefits of internet access to their customers.

Service providers who require bulk internet bandwidth (from 100 megabits to multiple STM1s) will find Cybernet’s managed Wholesale Internet solutions as their gateway to the kind of reliability and scalability expected of carrier class networks. Tailor-made to each customer’s specific requirements, Cybernet can design solutions based on Metro-Ethernet or other transport technologies using diverse paths, multi-homed scenarios and provide connectivity over different upstreams. Cybernet peers with all landing stations – TW-1 Transworld, SEA-ME-WE-3, SEA-ME-WE-4 and I-ME-WE – and various global telecommunication service providers. With a robust access network and coupled with upstream redundancies, our customers can be ascertained that their WAN connectivity is in safe hands.