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Rapid Celebrates 11 Years of Innovation

September 1, 2022

RapidCompute, Pakistan’s leading cloud service provider celebrated 11 years of providing a #TrueCloudExperience to its customers.

An exclusive movie screening was hosted on May 27th, Friday at Nueplex cinemas for Rapid’s employees, partners, and customers. All colleagues and customers came together for a networking session, followed by an award ceremony to appreciate employees for their longstanding service.

Rapid is Pakistan’s first Enterprise-Class public cloud computing platform. It took off 11 years ago, when the world looked a lot different. A time when cell phones could just be used for calling and movies were only available on DVDs.

In its first year of business, its very first customer was Engro, who deployed a single instance worth USD 70 only.

Abdul Rehman Paracha, Senior Manager IS at Engro back then, expressed his delight at the occasion and said, “It gives me great joy to see Rapid come so far. I have been their customer since their inception. Thank you so much for the invite, really enjoyed the movie and the event was impressive.” He is now heading Silverlake in Pakistan.

Rapid has paved the way for unlimited computing potential by introducing cloud computing in Pakistan with capabilities that allowed for faster innovation, better price, performance, and enhanced security.

Rapid supports more security standards and compliance certifications than any other Pakistani cloud service provider, with ever-broadening compute, storage, memory, and networking options.

“Thank you for the invitation and your hospitality. We had loads of fun and all your arrangements were spot on,” Ejaz Hassan, CEO, Wemsol stated, delighted, and equally pleased after attending the event.

Being the pioneer of Cloud Computing in Pakistan, Rapid is constantly working toward integrating new products and cutting-edge features.

With their recently launched product Cobolt, they are the first Pakistani cloud provider to be offering Magnum (Kubernetes as a Service) and Trover (Database as a Service).

Follow Rapid to find out about the upcoming addition of new products to the Cobolt ambit.

Rapid has been Pakistan’s trailblazer in offering cloud computing, networking services, and management tools for digitizing all areas of businesses and industry. It continues to be one of the largest providers of cloud services to the government, financial sector, and large-scale enterprises.

For procuring Rapid’s cloud services you can get in touch at [email protected] or [email protected].

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